Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Fringe Furniture of 2012

This years fringe has been another great show! Some stunning pieces ranging from steam bent lights to colanders cut up to amalgamate a lighting piece. Zinc clad storage unit with corner splines glued in place. Pre loved Baltic Pine floorboards transformed into furniture. Marine hooks and rope used to hold your essentials. And so much more!

Renaissance - Thomas Lentini

Chris Shaw setting up his Reuse storage unit

Threaded Out Table - hey there's my table....

Rebirth - Mick Dierer

Branch chair - Faelli & Howard / Elliot Coat Rack - Anne-Claire Petre

The SC-3 Planter - Found Collective

Syntax - Mart Hough

Cake chair - Trand Ninh / Tension Light and Table - Thomas Ashby

Zelle - Mary Vasiliadis

Tree - Kachet

Deroxy / Mortality singular planters - Alexander Gibb

Otway Marine Wall Hook - Tom Gaunt

Bark Stool - Power to make/LLDS

Sticks and Stones - Ash Allen

Choppy Colander lights - Sally-Anne Mill / Mega Bite Storage unit - Alex Lesniowski

I am a Liar - Byron Raleigh

Henrietta & Toby Seats - Karl Baxter / Orbis Pendant Lamp - James Hargraves

Popper Pendant  - Andre Hnatojko / Klag - Dale Hardiman / Sabbatical Cabinet - Elliot Gorham & Mathew Little